- 相關(guān)推薦
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Wu, B. (2004) ‘Participation in the global labour market: experience and responses of Chinese seafarers’ Maritime Policy and Management, 31(1): 69-72.
Wu, B. (2006) ‘Transformation from traditional to global seafarers: an assessment of Chinese seafarers in the global labour market’, speech to the Shenzhen International Forum for Quality Seafarers, 19th-20th April.
Wu, B. and Liang, T.C. (2005) ‘China walls: barriers against Chinese seafarers’ entrance to the global labour market’, Lloyd’s Shipping Economist, March Issue: 10-12.
Wu, B. and Sampson, H. (2005) ‘Reconsidering the cargo sector and seafarer labour market: a 21st century profile of global seafarers’, Ocean Yearbook, No. 19, University of Chicago Press, 357-380.
Wu, B. and Morris, J. (2006) ‘A life on the ocean wave: the “post socialist” careers of Chinese, Russian and Eastern European seafarers’, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17(1): 25-48.
Wu, B., Lai, K.H. and Cheng, T.C. (2006) ‘Emergence of ‘new professionalism’ amongst Chinese seafarers: empirical evidences and policy implications’, Maritime Policy & Management, 33(1): 35-48.
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