

時間:2024-07-02 02:12:46 英語畢業(yè)論文 我要投稿





  function and application of descriptive translation studies


  the intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of descriptive translation studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.

  since early20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. from then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. among these schools is descriptive translation studies (dts).

  dts approaches translation from an empirical perspective. translation is viewed to be a social activity having significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community. therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.

  my attention was first directed to dts by its peculiar characteristic of observation, description and explanation. the subject is whatever happens in translation practice, from the determination of prospective function of translation to the process of translator’s choice of strategies, brainstorming and the revision, to the final product making appearance in the target community.

  the method of dts is basically descriptive. the prescriptive tendency and the problem-solution pattern is abandoned. translation phenomena are noted down. with accumulated data, some underlying truths about translation will come out which will prove to be instructive not only for theoretical probe but also for applied translation practice. i will apply this descriptive method in the case study of this thesis.

  a convenient tool has been set up to conduct dts. “norm” is operative at every stage of description and explanation. function, process and product and their relationship as well are skeletal structure of what constitute descriptive studies. translation phenomena are accounted for with the help of norm.

  the case taken in this thesis is the chinese classic the dream of red mansions. two english versions translated respectively by yang hsien-yi and david hawks are compared and observations are made in regard to their translation approaches.

  in this regard, my observations are limited to several aspects, i hope in-depth observation and explanation will done in light of dts.「1」 「2」


  development and major concepts of dts

  in this part i will describe holms’ basic map of dts and the relationship between function, process and product. i will also discuss some important concepts such as pseudo-translation, multiple translation, translationese, norm etc.


  i will in this part discuss the methodology of dts before i apply the same to the case study in this thesis with emphasis to be placed on semiotic approach and the concept norm.

  dts in contrast to other theories

  a contrast study will be conducted here with the objective to find the difference of dts from other theories such as equivalence theory and the chinese xin da ya criteria. some advantage will possibly be shown in this study.

  case study

  in this part, translation of the dream of red mansions (also translated as the story of the stone) will be

  under investigation in light of dts. translation samples to be quoted here will be selected at random.


  based on the above elaboration of dts and the case study, possible conclusion will be on the advantage of dts in specific study of translation. suggestions on further research efforts will be made also.

  (note: while the topic will remain the same, the above arrangement of contents is subject to change in the process of writing.)

  it is therefore pointless to try to make tc more scientific than is sensible in view of its complex subject-matter and available methods. translating is a mental, multi-factorial activity which cannot exhaustively be investigated within a linguistic framework ignoring the person of the translator.”


  論文題目:the Application and Innovation



  長時期以來, 人們視艾米莉?勃朗特為英國文學中的“斯芬克斯”。關于她本人和她的作品都有很多難解之謎, 許多評論家從不同的角度、采用不同的方法去研究, 得出了不同的結論, 因而往往是舊謎剛解, 新謎又出, 解謎熱潮似永無休止。

  本文立足于歐美文學中的哥特傳統(tǒng)研究《呼嘯山莊》的創(chuàng)作源泉, 指出艾米莉 勃朗特在主題、人物形象、環(huán)境刻畫、意象及情節(jié)構造等方面都借鑒了哥特傳統(tǒng), 同時憑借其超乎尋常的想象力, 將現(xiàn)實與超現(xiàn)實融為一體, 給陳舊的形式注入了激烈情感、心理深度和新鮮活力, 達到了哥特形式與激情內容的完美統(tǒng)一, 使《呼嘯山莊》既超越了哥特體裁的“黑色浪漫主義”, 又超越了維多利亞時代的“現(xiàn)實主義”, 從而展現(xiàn)出獨具一格、經久不衰的藝術魅力。




  研究的基本內容:本文立足于歐美文學中的哥特傳統(tǒng)研究《呼嘯山莊》的創(chuàng)作源泉, 指出艾米莉勃朗特在主題、人物形象、環(huán)境刻畫、意象及情節(jié)構造等方面都借鑒了哥特傳統(tǒng), 同時憑借其超乎尋常的想象力, 將現(xiàn)實與超現(xiàn)實融為一體, 給陳舊的.形式注入了激烈情感、心理深度和新鮮活力, 達到了哥特形式與激情內容的完美統(tǒng)一, 使《呼嘯山莊》既超越了哥特體裁的“黑色浪漫主義”, 又超越了維多利亞時代的“現(xiàn)實主義”, 從而展現(xiàn)出獨具一格、經久不衰的藝術魅力。


  1.A Survey of Gothic

  1.1 Definition of Gothic

  2. Emily’s Gothic Heritage

  2.1 Theme

  2.1.1 Good and Evil

  2.2 Characters Description

  2.2.1 Villainhero

  2.2.2 Delicate Young Girl

  2.3 Atmosphere, Environment and Plot

  2.3.1 Terror

  2.3.2 Mystery

  2.3.3 Supernatural

  3.Emily’s Gothic Innovation

  3.1 Combination of romanticism and Realism

  3.1.1 Change of the Background

  3.1.3 Stream of Consciousness

  3.1.4 Illusion and Subconsciousness

  3.2. Description of Figure Emotion and Psychology

  2.擬采用的研究方法 主要有資料查找、理論探討研究、閱讀法


  研究所需條件:紙張、打印設備、圖書館、互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上獲取國內外文獻資料;可能存在的問題:(1)文獻不足; 。

  (2) 由于個人的觀點和能力,使對研究對象分析不夠全面和深入。











  2. 應收集資料及主要參考文獻(不少于8條)

  [2] Gerin, Winifred. 1971. Emily Bronte [M]. New York: Oxford University Press.

  [3] Marie, MulveyRoberts. ed. 1998.The handbook to gothic literature [A]. New York: New York University Press. p. 83.

  [4] Punter, David. 1980. The Literature of Terror [M]. London: Longman. p. 6.

  [7] 肖明翰. 20xx. 英美文學中的哥特傳統(tǒng)[J]. 外國文學評論第3期.

  [8] 鮮于靜. 20xx. 神秘和怪誕的魅力???思{小說《八月之光》的哥特藝術研究[MA]. 中國學位論文全文庫.




  一、論文題目:Classroom Interaction And Oral English Teaching



  (1)構建主義模式 它是以構建主義理論為基礎的互動模式,司洪海在《構建主義理論與英語口語教學》中從對現(xiàn)有教學模式的反思入手,探討將構建主義引入英語課堂教學的必要性、可行性及其意義和作用。盧艷春和路雅琴在《構建主義與大學英語口語課堂教學》中則分別從構建知識觀構建學習觀構建教學觀入手,強調以學生為中心的主動性、構建性。

  (2)角色扮演模式 徐志敏、王瑛在《大學英語課堂互動教學中角色扮演探究》中著重探討了在角色扮演的互動教學中教師的作用,對指導教學實踐具有重要的意義。而黃玉蘭在《角色扮演引入英語專業(yè)口語教學中》從角色扮演是多為互動英語口語教學模式的應用探討了角色扮演這一教學方法的目的、步驟和利弊等方面。

  (3)以學生為中心模式 這一模式被單獨研究的較少,黃影秋在《以學生為中心提高英語口語課堂教學效果的探索中》通過對學生口語課堂學習存在的問題的分析,提倡以學生為中心,實現(xiàn)教與學的雙邊互動。并提出闡述如何運用其他教學策略提高口語的教學效果,促進學生交際能力的提高。而劉蓉在《談英語口語課堂互動》中則提出了互動可以創(chuàng)造以學生為中心的口語課堂和整體小組作業(yè)模式,提高口語交際能力。

  (4)合作性學習模式 這種模式的研究較為普遍和盛行,它興起于美國,在后來取得實質性的進展的一種教學理論與策略。黃艷在《合作性學習在大學英語課堂的應用》中提出了以下幾種合作模式,從而的出該模式的優(yōu)勢所在。顧曉樂在《合作性學習與情景劇表演》中從情劇表演的角度來證明合作性學習的有效性。肖巧玲在《大學英語口語教學中的合作學習》中則通過合作學習在口語教學中的實踐探究合作學習應注意的原則。而慕東文在《合作性學習的特點、目標、內容和實踐策略》一文中,他用人文精神和平等民主合作原則,對待新的理念,指導英語口語教學。

  (5)情景設置模式 它主要是根據(jù)Gillian BrownGeorge Yuled的語言情景對第二語言習得者的交際緊張、焦慮的.研究表明口語情景設置不適當,會影響學生用目標語進行交流,進而強調進行口語教學情景設置的重要性。張舍茹、孫邊旗在《英語口語教學的情景設置》中就論述我們應注意情景互動教學中應遵循的原則,及如何設置英語口語教學中情景設置的形式兩個小方面局部性的探討了情景設置這種互動模式。孫久榮在《論英語口語課的情景教學》中對情景設置這個模式從宏觀上進行了分類,進而得出開放式情景和封閉式情景,為情景設置互動模式研究開辟了一個小領域。







  Chapter One Definition and Theoretical Basis of Interaction

  1.1 Definition of Interaction

  1.2 Theoretical Basis of Interaction

  1.3 Some Main Interactive Modes in the Present Classroom

  Chapter Two The Necessity And The Principles of Following InteractionTeaching Mode

  2.1 The Disadvantage of Traditional Oral English Teaching Mode

  2.2 The Necessity and Merit of Taking InteractionTeaching Mode

  2.3 Oral English InteractionTeaching Mode Should Follow the Principles

  Chapter Three Personal Interaction in the Oral English Teaching

  3.1 The Relationship Between the Teacher and Students

  3.2 Two Types of Personal Interaction

  3.3 Classroom Climate

  3.4 Classroom Size

  Chapter Four The Evaluation of the Interactive Oral English Teaching Mode

  4.1 Some Principles Should Follow When Evaluating

  4.2 The Concept of Evaluating

  4.3 The Technology of Evaluating



  Jonssen, DHThinking Technology: Toward a Constructivist Design Model .Educational Technolgy. 3 (1994): 3435.

  Littlewood, William. Communicative Language Teaching .Cambridge: Cambridge University Press .1981.

  盧艷春, 路雅琴。構建主義與大學英語口語教學。 前沿雜志。 11 (20xx):98100.

  司洪海。構建主義理論與英語口語教學。 基礎英語教育。 4 (20xx):89.

  吳蕾。構建主義在英語口語教學中的應用。() 東華大學學報(社科版)。7 (20xx):2324.

  范雄飛, 黃玉蘭。把角色扮演引入英語專業(yè)口語教學之中。讀與寫雜志。 9 (20xx):3537.

  徐志敏, 王瑛。大學英語課堂互動教學中角色扮演探究。 外語研究。 8 (20xx):5657.

  黃影秋。以學生為中心提高英語口語課堂效果。 濟南職業(yè)學院學報。 3 (20xx): 8188.

  何亞娟。中學英語課堂互動教學的探索與實踐。 渭南師院學報。 12 (20xx): 7273.

  顧曉樂, 黃芙蓉。合作學習與情景劇表演。 國外外語教學。 2 (20xx):5556.

  黃艷。合作性學習在大學英語課堂的應用。 長沙大學學報。 10 (20xx):145146.

  慕東文。合作性學習的特點、目標、內容和實踐策略。 甘肅農業(yè)。 6 (20xx):304305.

  孫邊旗,張舍茹。英語口語教學的情景設置。 教育理論與實踐 8 (20xx):3739.

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  系別:外語系 專業(yè):英 語 所選題目名稱:

  English Idioms and Their Cohesive Function


  English idioms are an important part of the English vocabulary. The general tendencies of presentday English are towards more idiomatic usages. Halliday and Hason (1976) pointed out that there are three functions of English idioms (ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function)。 Another scholar, Fernando C. (1996), also made valuable contributions to the understanding of idiomatic expression_r of coherent text, and in the creation of stylistic effects.

  Chinese linguists like Hu Zhuanglin (1994, 1996), Zhu Yongsheng (1995, 1996, 1997) and Zhang Delu (1994) mainly made contributions to the study of textual cohesion.


  This paper is firstly intended to define English idioms and analyze the features of them. It then explores the cohesive function after careful analysis and discussion, attempting to arouse the concern of using idioms appropriately and help readers make full use of the cohesive function for communicating more concisely and idiomatically, thus more effectively.


  As English idioms are much alive in everyday English, a close look at the function of idioms must be taken. This dissertation includes the following five aspects: 1. Introduction.

  2. A General Study of English Idioms 2.1 The Definition of English Idioms 2.2 Features of English Idioms.

  3. Cohesive Function of English Idioms 3.1 Cohesion.

  3.2 Functional Categories.

  3.3 Cohesive Function of Relational Idioms 3.4 Cohesive Function of Other Idioms.

  4. The Cohesive Function in Terms of Syntax And Pragmatics 4.1 Syntactic Cohesion 4.2 Pragmatic Function 5. Conclusion.


  January 22March 10: question posing of the research and collection of materials March 11March 25: analysis of the materials and writing of an outline.

  March 26April 30: completion of the first draft and seeking supervisor’s advice May 1?June 10: refinement of the paper according to teacher’s suggestion.

  June 11?June 22: finalization of the thesis based on the set requirements after the defence.


  [1] Fernando, C. Idioms and Idiomaticity. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 20xx

  [2] Halliday, M.A.K. and R. Hason. Cohesion in English. Longman Press, 1985

  [3] Lakoff, G. and M. Johnson. Metaphors We Live By. University of Chicago Press, 1980

  [4] Makkai, A. Idiom Structure in English. The Hague Press,1972

  [5] 林承璋。 英語詞匯學引論[M]. 武漢大學出版社,1987

  [6] 陸國強。 現(xiàn)代英語詞匯學[M]. 上海外語教育出版社, 1999

  [7] 汪榕培, 盧曉娟。 英語詞匯學教程[M]. 上海外語教育出版社, 1999





  系別:外語系 專業(yè):英 語 所選題目名稱:

  English Idioms and Their Cohesive Function


  English idioms are an important part of the English vocabulary、The general tendencies of present-day English are towards more idiomatic usages、Halliday and Hason (1976) pointed out that there are three functions of English idioms (ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function)、Another scholar, Fernando C、(1996), also made valuable contributions to the understanding of idiomatic expression_r of coherent text, and in the creation of stylistic effects.

  Chinese linguists like Hu Zhuanglin (1994, 1996), Zhu Yongsheng (1995, 1996, 1997) and Zhang Delu (1994) mainly made contributions to the study of textual cohesion.


  This paper is firstly intended to define English idioms and analyze the features of them、It then explores the cohesive function after careful analysis and discussion, attempting to arouse the concern of using idioms appropriately and help readers make full use of the cohesive function for communicating more concisely and idiomatically, thus more effectively.


  As English idioms are much alive in everyday English, a close look at the function of idioms must be taken、This dissertation includes the following five aspects: 1、Introduction

  2、A General Study of English Idioms 2.1 The Definition of English Idioms 2.2 Features of English Idioms

  3、Cohesive Function of English Idioms 3.1 Cohesion

  3.2 Functional Categories

  3.3 Cohesive Function of Relational Idioms 3.4 Cohesive Function of Other Idioms

  4、The Cohesive Function in Terms of Syntax And Pragmatics 4.1 Syntactic Cohesion 4.2 Pragmatic Function 5、Conclusion


  January 22-March 10: question posing of the research and collection of materials March 11-March 25: analysis of the materials and writing of an outline

  March 26-April 30: completion of the first draft and seeking supervisor’s advice May 1?June 10: refinement of the paper according to teacher’s suggestion

  June 11?June 22: finalization of the thesis based on the set requirements after the defence


  [1] Fernando, C、Idioms and Idiomaticity、Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 20xx

  [2] Halliday, M.A.K、and R、Hason、Cohesion in English、Longman Press, 1985

  [3] Lakoff, G、and M、Johnson、Metaphors We Live By、University of Chicago Press, 1980

  [4] Makkai, A、Idiom Structure in English、The Hague Press,1972

  [5] 林承璋、英語詞匯學引論[M]、武漢大學出版社,1987

  [6] 陸國強、現(xiàn)代英語詞匯學[M]、上海外語教育出版社, 1999

  [7] 汪榕培, 盧曉娟、英語詞匯學教程[M]、上海外語教育出版社, 1999


  1. Research Intention

  Tess of the D’urbervilles, the greatest novel of British famous writer Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), describes the misfortune of a poor peasant girl Tess. In this novel, we can see Tess resist her unjust fate again and again, suffer setbacks again and again, till to be destroyed. We can not help but feel the intense emotions of pity and fear. At the same time we deeply feel that her tragedy is inevitable. The cause of her tragedy has always been the concern of people, such a beautiful, noble and pure woman as Tess should suffer inevitable ruin. What leads to her tragic destiny? What killed her? This paper will try to make a detailed analysis on the novel, to show the various causes of the heroine’s tragedy.

  2. Literary Review

  From the later nineteenth century until now,Thomas Hardy and his works have been the important topics of the criticism for a long time. After the Second World War, with the development of modern literary criticism, different critics interpret Tess of the D’urbervilles and Thomas Hardy’s other novels from various perspectives. For instance, Professor Webster begins with a discussion of Hardy’s intentions in writing Tess. According to his views, Tess of the D’urbervilles is a contribution to Hardy’s war against man’s inhumanity. Arnold Kettle takes a different point of view. For him the subject of Tess of the D’urbervilles is not the tragedy of a “pure woman”, but rather the destruction of the English peasantry. Mr. Kettle sees it as complete as a social novel. In China, Prof. Zhang and Wu have published their own books on Hardy’s novels and other works. There are

  3. Research Process

  This paper comprises three parts dealing respectively with several main factors that lead to Tess’s final tragedy, including the background, the social environment, two persons who are very closely related to Tess’s fate and finally the weakness of the central character’s personaliti

  es. Besides, Tess’s sufferings were the result of some mysterious and incidental factors. The following is the outline of the paper. Part 1. Introduction

  This part is a brief introduction to the author and his masterpiece.

  1.1Thomas Hardy and his works

  1.2Tess of the D’urbervilles

  Part 2. Causes for the tragedy of Tess

  The cause of Tess’s tragedy has always been the concern of people, such a beautiful, noble and pure woman as Tess should suffer inevitable ruin. What leads to her tragic destiny? What killed her? In this paper, I try to make a detailed analysis on the novel, to show the various causes of heroine’s tragedy.

  2.1 The impoverishment and decay of small farmers

  This novel has for its setting the agricultural region of the southern countries of England. The writer truthfully depicts the impoverishment and decay of small farmers who become hired field hands and roam the country in search of seasonal job. These laborers are mercilessly exploited by the rich landowners. In this novel, we can see clearly that one of the real reasons that lead to her extermination is her impoverishment.

  2.2Alec and Clare

  In this novel, Hardy describes how Tess was killed by the times she lived in clearly. There are two persons who are very closely related to Tess’s fate. She, a daughter of poor peasants had been reduced to a wage laborer, so Alec--- the vicious capitalist power of the Victorian Times and Clare --- the representative of liberal bourgeoisie killed her cruelly and without mercy. It seemed that Alec was the prime culprit of Tess, but in fact, it was Clare who killed Tees more cruelly.

  2.3 The weakness of her character

  Apart from fierce Alec and hypocritical Clare, it is the weakness of her character that leads to her sad fate. Tess was able to fight against the unfairness of the society. She could face various difficulties in life bravely, yet she couldn’t extricate herself from traditional moral principles. She was aware that she was the victim of social violence and moral principles.On the other hand, though she dared to beat back the unjustness, she couldn’t break with traditional morality completely.

  2.4 Some mysterious and incidental factors

  The last but not the least, Tess’s sufferings were the result of some mysterious

  and incidental factors. Examples of the fateful incidents abound in the novel. Part 3. Conclusion

  It is the times she lived in and the weakness of her nature put her in such a poor situation. Cruel Alec and his peers are the direct reason for her death, but it is Angel who killed her indirectly but more cruelly. Facing such a serious situation, the weakness of her character became the accomplice. The tragic fate is not only that of Tess herself, but also the tragedy of the times she lived in.

  4. Conclusion

  Through studying the representative workTess of the D’urbervilles, we will be able to have a better appreciation of the great achievements of Thomas Hardy.It seemed that if there were no unexpected happenings, she might have a happy life; maybe she would finish her life peacefully. It appeared there were unexpected factors in her every important life stage, those factors lead to her tragedy. But in fact, just as we infer from our previous discussion, it is the times she lived in and the weakness of her nature put her in such a poor situation. Cruel Alec and his peers are the direct reason for her death, but it is Angel who killed her indirectly but more cruelly. Facing such a serious situation, the weakness of her character became the accomplice. The tragic fate is not only that of Tess herself, but also the tragedy of the times she lived in.


 。1]Chen Jia. Selected Readings in English Literature(Volume 2)[M].The Commercial Press, 20xx

 。2]Chenxia. Analysis of the Tragic Mood in “Tess of the D’Urbervilles”

  [J].Journal of Renmin University of China (social societies), 1998(2):100-102

 。3]Huangjing. On the causes of the tragedy of Tess[J]. Journal of Northwest

  Minorities University (social science), 20xx, (3):95-98

 。4]Li Jian, Yuanjing. The Reasons of the Tragedy of Tess[J]. Journal of Daqing

  Teachers’ College, 20xx, (2):65-66

 。5]Liu Yafei. Doomed from the start [6]Thomas Hardy. Tess of the D’Urbervilles[M].Beijing: Central Compilation

  & Translation Press, 20xx

 。7]Wang Lili.Comments on the Tragedy of Tessa[J].Journal of Chengde

  Vocational College, 20xx(4):26-27

 。8]Zhang Xiaodong. Talk about tongue silk tragic certainty and meaning[J].

  Journal of Chaohu College, 20xx, (6):74-77



  中國一向是禮儀之邦,禮儀對每個中國人來說是非常重要的,無論是會見親朋好友或者是在人與人的打交道上,都離不開禮儀。禮儀被認為是一個人道德修養(yǎng)的表現(xiàn),一個人若毫無禮儀可言,那么他在學習或工作時都將不會很順利,因為沒有人愿意和這樣一個人相處。 由于社交禮儀在我們的生活中扮演了越來越重要的角色,我在選課的時候就選修了社交禮儀這門課程。通過這一個學期的學習,我從老師那里學到了許多有關社交禮儀方面的知識,不僅拓寬了知識面,而且許多東西在我的日常生活和以后的工作中都有很大用處,比如商務禮儀。






  人類最早的禮儀活動也就是禮儀萌芽時期,可以追朔到原始社會, 當時的禮儀較為簡單和虔誠且不具備階級性,禮儀的內容包括;制定了明確血緣關系的婚嫁禮儀;區(qū)別部族內部尊卑等級的禮制;為祭天敬神的制定的一些祭奠儀式;制定一些人們在相互交往時表示禮節(jié)表示恭敬的動作。


  到歐洲中世紀,工業(yè)革命的出現(xiàn) 使得生產力空前的發(fā)展,歐洲各國開始逐步入資本主義,商業(yè)占據(jù)了社會經濟的主導地位,資本家大量聚集了社會財富,新貴由此族誕生,資本家之間的商務往來與交際范圍開始擴大,貴族之間定期的聚會則成為了重要的交際方式之一,在交際中所產生的'禮儀日漸完善,由此,商務禮儀也正式形成。部分內容沿用至今。 2禮儀的含義及種類





  2.禮儀的第二大類是社交禮儀。社交禮儀,顧名思義,就是指現(xiàn)代人際交往中流行的各種禮儀,如服務禮儀,商務禮儀,學校禮儀,職場工作禮儀等,它概括了在現(xiàn)代社交場合中各種禮儀行為。社交禮儀是指人們在人際交往過程中所具備的基本素質,交際能力等。社交在當今社會人際交往中發(fā)揮的作用愈顯重要。通過社交,人們可以溝通心靈,建立深厚友誼,取得支持與幫助;通過社交,人們可以互通信息,共享資源,對取得事業(yè)成功大有獲益。社交禮儀是指在人際交往和國際交往活動中,用于表示尊重、親善和友好的首選行為規(guī)范和慣用形式。這一定義包含了以下幾層意思:第一,社交禮儀是一種道德行為規(guī)范。規(guī)范就是規(guī)矩、章法、條條框框,也就是說社交禮儀是對人的行為進行約束的條條框框,告訴你要怎么做,不要怎么做。如你到老師辦公室辦事,進門前要先敲門,若不敲門就直接闖進去是失禮的。社交禮儀比起法律、紀律,其約束力要弱得多,違反社交禮儀規(guī)范,只能讓別人產生厭惡[2],別人不能對你進行制裁,為此,社交禮儀的約束要靠道德修養(yǎng)的自律。 第二,社交禮儀的直接目的是表示對他人的尊重。尊重是社交禮儀的本質。人都有被尊重的高級精神需要,當在社會交往活動過程中,按照社交禮儀的要求去做,就會使人獲得尊重的滿足,從而獲得愉悅,由此達到人與人之間關系的和諧。 第三,社交禮儀的根本目的是為了維護社會正常的生活秩序。沒有它,社會正常的生活秩序就會遭到破壞,在這方面,它和法律、紀律共同起作用,也正是因為這一目的,無論是資本主義社會還是社會主義社會都非常重視社交禮儀規(guī)范建設。 第四,社交禮儀要求在人際交往、社會交往活動中遵守。這是它的范圍,超出這個范圍,社交禮儀規(guī)范就不一定適用了




  Function and Application of Descriptive Translation Studies 1 Introduction

  The intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of Descriptive Translation Studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.

  Since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science、From then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence、Among these schools is Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS).

  DTS approaches translation from an empirical perspective、Translation is viewed to be a social activity having significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community、Therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.

  My attention was first directed to DTS by its peculiar characteristic of observation, description and explanation、The subject is whatever happens in translation practice, from the determination of prospective function of translation to the process of translator’s choice of strategies, brainstorming and the revision, to the final product making appearance in the target community.

  The method of DTS is basically descriptive、The prescriptive tendency and the problem-solution pattern is abandoned、Translation phenomena are noted down、With accumulated data, some underlying truths about translation will come out which will prove to be instructive not only for theoretical probe but also for applied translation practice、I will apply this descriptive method in the case study of this thesis.

  A convenient tool has been set up to conduct DTS、"Norm" is operative at every stage of description and explanation、Function, process and product and their relationship as well are skeletal structure of what constitute descriptive studies、Translation phenomena are accounted for with the help of norm.

  The case taken in this thesis is the Chinese classic The Dream of Red Mansions、Two English versions translated respectively by Yang Hsien-yi and David Hawks are compared and observations are made in regard to their translation approaches.

  In this regard, my observations are limited to several aspects, I hope in-depth observation and explanation will done in light of DTS.




  隨著我國加入WTO,國際貿易和對外交往將日益頻繁,國家與國家之間、企業(yè)與企業(yè)之間、個人與個人之間,由于存在經濟利益的協(xié)調,無時無處不需要談判。出口商和進口商要消除分歧,達成一項公平的相互之間滿意的交易,大多是通過商務談判才能做到的。因此與外界交往合作的主要方式 —— 跨文化商務談判在社會、政治、經濟生活中的地位越來越重要。因此,和外商談判打交道的時候,不要忽略一些看似微不足道的細節(jié),那些都有可能是成敗的關鍵。只有正確探悉、學習和熟悉不同國家的文化差異,意識到他們的重要性,才能更好地探討商務談判的策略,為最后談判的成功奠定基礎和提供理論依據(jù)。




  2.1 語言和非語言差異的影響

  2.2 思維方式差異的影響

  2.3 價值觀念差異的影響


  3.1 樹立跨文化的'談判意識

  3.2 談判前做好充足的準備

  3.3 懂得談判對方的語言

  3.4 對待文化問題應持有的態(tài)度



  11月11日 畢業(yè)論文動員大會

  11月12日-12月1日 下達任務書

  12月 2日-12月31日 確定論文題目

  1月1日—1月31日 進行文獻資料的收集、篩選、做讀書筆記。

  2月1日—2月28日 完成論文詳細提綱,交指導老師修改,補充。

  3月1日—3月30日 進行畢業(yè)論文初稿寫作。

  4月1日—5月19日 畢業(yè)論文修改。

  5月20日—6月5日 畢業(yè)論文定稿、裝訂、答辯。










  1 Introduction

  1.1 Background of the Study

  China plays a much more important role in world economic system along with thedevelopment of economic globalization. Economic globalization not only accelerates our country'seconomic growth, but also promotes the speed of international trade all over the world. Thereforeexcellent business communication competence becomes increasingly important as well. As one ofthe language media business English correspondence aims to link overseas and domestic economicentities, exchange information, communicate with each other and deal with business. It plays anextremely important role in the frequent international trade. It is no exaggeration to say, businessEnglish correspondence is used in every step of business activities.

  The course of business English writing has almost expanded into every university curriculum.Both foreign and domestic scholars have done researches on business English correspondencefrom the perspective of lexicon, semantic fields, especially based on corpus. There are two majorlarge-scale corpora on business English. One is Nelson's Business English Corpus (BEC for short)accounting for one million words. The other one is Poly U Business Corpora constructed by HongKong Polytechnic University. The Poly U Business Corpora are made up of three comparablecorpora of Chinese, English and Japanese business texts, the majority of which originate from thebusiness and finance sections of newspapers written in those languages, covering news and reportsfrom auditing and accounting to insurance and investments. Each of the corpora has more than onemillion words. It is accessible on line for searching key words to see a concordance taken fromPoly U Business English corpus, which is helpful to students and teachers. It is thus obviously thatbusiness English is quite important so that attracts much attention from linguistic researchers. Ithas been an overriding aim of this project to create a resource for researchers to help furtherknowledge of an area which so far has been the research topic of many scholars.

  1.2 Significance of the Study

  This thesis makes a relatively complete study of business English correspondence from theperspective of lexical grammar theory and syntactic theory. It takes up business Englishcorrespondence as its research topic and aims to propose some feasible strategies in businessEnglish correspondence writing and teaching. The study expected to achieve both theoretical andpractical significance as follows:

  First of all, this study will introduce a new research method. Corpus provides a brand newway for the study of language. It breaks through the traditional method of intuitive experiencemethod and turns to the original analysis of natural language in order to provide a firm foundationand data support for language research in various fields. Traditional intuitive experience methodfocuses on personal experience and intuition, manual methods or introspective method whichcould acquire linguistic knowledge only from limited data of language materials. This method ofacquiring linguistic knowledge is not only inefficiency but also more subjective which inevitablyleads a effect on the accuracy of final result. However, corpus-based approach is totally different.Corpus can find the target data quickly by using computer software for scientific analysis, andovercome the limitation of traditional research on the subjectivity and one-sidedness. Thismacroscopic method can carry on a multi-level and all-rounded research on the basis of a largenumber of real data, and effectively promote the new theoretical model and research paradigm. Italso relies on computer science to achieve its powerful function in language searching, andprovides a new method in linguistic research for the majority of language researchers.

  Secondly, a clear understanding of lexical grammar theory could be achieved. Language is atool for human communication which inevitably cannot do without meaning expression andunderstanding. Sinclair broke the previous rules of describing vocabulary and grammar in aseparate way. Therefore, a new point of view has been proposed. That is language should bedescribed by using the way combining vocabulary and grammar which opened up a new path forlanguage description based on a corpus. Then he proposed lexical grammar, and believed thatvocabulary and grammar are equally important, in which vocabulary is the starting point forbuilding the language model. The key aspects about the origin of lexical grammar and thewholeness of lexis and grammar will be discussed in detail in next chapter and this study is basedon the theory of lexical grammar to explore the features of business English correspondence fromlexical and syntactic levels.

  Thirdly, after a relatively complete study on the business English correspondence, typicallexical and syntactic features could be worked out.

  Fourthly, feasible strategies could be proposed to business English correspondence writingand teaching.

  1.3 Layout of the Thesis

  In this thesis, the study will do some research on business English correspondence andmanage to summarize some common syntactic features of business English correspondence basedon lexical-grammar theory and syntactic theory. This thesis is divided into the following six parts:

  Chapter 1, the introduction part is an introduction concerning the theme of the thesis,including a general introduction of the background and significance of the study and theorganization of the whole thesis.

  Chapter 2, a literature review is provided in this chapter, which gives out an overview of thecorpus linguistics and business English correspondence. It first introduces business Englishcorrespondence and corpus linguistics briefly, and then gives a comprehensive introduction tothem which are also discussed here for better understanding to the field that the theory will beapplied to. Relevant studies both on Corpus linguistics and business English correspondence arealso presented at the end of each part.

  Chapter 3 introduces the theoretical framework which contains four main parts: principles ofbusiness English correspondence, the application in corpus linguistics, lexical grammar andsyntactic theory. Then Sinclair's lexical grammar theory and syntactic theory will be discussed indetail. In the end of this chapter, the writer will talk about the paper's feasibility.

  Chapter 4 addresses the research methodology of the study which includes the corpus-basedquantitative and qualitative method, the corpus and instruments used in the study, the proceduresof the study both in relation to data collection and data processing and concordance.

  Chapter 5 is the main part of the thesis of which lexical and syntactic features will bediscussed and analyzed in this part. Word length, sentence length, wordlist and some other wordfrequency will be listed and analyzed in detail.

  Chapter 6 draws a conclusion of the thesis, which gives a summary to the whole paper.Besides the major findings of the study, it also points out the limitations and difficulties of thepresent study.


  Abstract in Chinese

  Abstract in English

  1 Introduction

  1.1 Background of the Study

  1.2 Significance of the Study

  1.3 Layout of the Thesis

  2 Literature Review

  2.1 Studies on Business English Correspondence Abroad and at Home

  2.2 Studies based on Corpus Linguistics Abroad and at Home

  2.3 Summary

  3 Theoretical Framework

  3.1 Writing Principles of Business English Correspondence

  3.2 Lexical Grammar

  3.3 Syntactic Theory

  4 Methodology

  4.1 Corpus-Based Approach

  4.2 Research Instruments

  4.3 Research Procedures

  4.3.1 Data Collection

  4.3.2 Data Clean-up

  4.3.3 Tokenization

  4.3.4 Lemmatization

  4.3.5 Part-of-speech Tagging

  5 Results and Discussions

  5.1 Syntactic Complexity Analysis

  5.1.1 Analysis of Word Length and Sentence Length

  5.1.2 Contrastive Analysis between Content Words and Function Words

  5.1.3 Contrastive Analysis between Simple Sentence and Complex Sentence

  5.2 Syntactic Pattern Analysis

  5.2.1 Passive Voice

  5.2.2 Interrogative Sentence

  5.2.3 Subjunctive Mood

  5.3 Syntactic Feature Analysis

  5.3.1 Syntactic Feature of Letters of Request and Comfirmation

  5.3.2 Syntactic Feature of Letters of Acceptance and Refusal

  5.3.3 Syntactic Feature of Letters of Appreciation and Apology

  6 Conclusion

  6.1 Major Findings

  6.2 Implications for the Study

  6.3 Limitations




  Papers published in the period of Ph. M. education


  1.Collecting the related materials and designing theresearch, data analysis: Sep.1st-Dec.31st,20xx

  2.Writing the first draft: Jan.1st- Feb.31st, 20xx

  3.Writing the second draft:Mar. 1st- Apr. 31st,20xx

  4.Writing the final draft: May. 1st- May.31st,20xx

  5.Preparing for defense of the thesis: June.1st- June31st,20xx


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  A Brief Analysis of the Significance of Optimism in Pollyanna




























