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Topics of Recent DissertationsPhD DissertationsLinguistic Characterization of Three Written Chinese Registers (三種漢語書面語體的語言特征)A comparison of "old-style" and "new-style" of the general Hakka accent as spoken by the "indigenous inhabitants" of Hong Kong (香港本地居客家腔的老式與新式的比較)
The Influence of Siddham Study on the Development of Chinese Phonetics
The Lexical Variation Among Different Chinese Communities in 1990's (Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan) (19世紀90年代內地、香港、臺灣三地不同漢語社區(qū)的詞匯變體)
Study of resultative constructions in Mandarin Chinese (漢語普通話表結果的句法結構研究)
A Formal Treatment of Explicature and the Pragmatics of Conditional Statements
Translating Chinese martial arts fiction, with reference to the novels of Jin Yong (金庸武俠小說的翻譯)
Whose strange stories? : a study of Herbert Giles' (1845-1935), translation of P'u Sung-ling's (1640-1715) Liao-chai Chih-i
Robert Morrison (1782-1834) : A Pioneer in Chinese-English Translation
A Study of Zhou Shoujuan's Translation of Western Fiction (周瘦鵑西方小說翻譯研究)、 MPhil ThesesThe vernacularization of standard Baihuawen during the period of 1917-1955 (1917-1955 的標準白話文口語化)
Constructing bilingual norms for bilingual program assessment : a study of bilingual writing performance of Cantonese-speaking students in Hong Kong (China) and Anglophone students in Montreal (Canada) (為雙語教學評估勾結案雙語準則:香港粵語母語的學生和加拿大蒙特利爾英語母語的學生的雙語書面語表現(xiàn)的研究)
The Story of the Stone's Journey to the West: A Study in Chinese-English Translation History
A study of early translations of Sherlock Holmes in literary Chinese (1896-1916) : suspense and characterization (福爾摩斯中文小說的早期翻譯研究:懸念與人物塑造)
Lin Shu the translator : his truth and his lies : the images of the West and Africa
The Bawdy Bard in China - A Study of the Translation of Shakespeare's Sexually and Scatologically Suggestive Language
Culture, product category and advertising situation : a comparative study of advertising appeals in web automobile advertisements between the People's Republic of China and the United States of America. (文化、產品種類與廣告狀況:中美網(wǎng)絡汽車人廣告的廣告訴求比較研究)
Current topics of research students
Advertising discourses and social changes in China (中國廣告話語與社會變化)
Bilingual education for majority-language students: a study of the bilingual education project for students in public schools of Shanghai with reference to Montreal and Hong Kong (大多數(shù)語言的學生的雙語教育:上海、蒙特利爾、香港的公立學校學生的雙語教育項目的研究)
Language contact and morphosyntactic borrowing: The case of Hong Kong Written Chinese (語言接觸與形態(tài)句法借用:香港書面漢語的專項研究)
The problem of the BA construction in teaching Chinese as a second language (對外漢語教學中的BA句法結構問題)
The syntactic representation of Cantonese sentence final particles
Syntax of non-verbal predication in Mandarin Chinese (漢語普通話的非語言論斷的研究)
A study of Lin Shu’s reading of Charles Dickens in his translations (從林紓的翻譯研究他對狄更斯的閱讀)
Depressed systems of otherness behind translation: a case study of the Chinese versions of Hamlet
Translation, translation norms and ideology: a case study of the English translation of Shen Congwen’s short stories (翻譯、翻譯準則與思想體系:沈從文短篇小說的英文翻譯專項研究) 論文出處(作者):