英語書信的款式一般有兩種:齊頭式 (Block Style) 和折衷式 (Semi-Block Style)。齊頭式常常在商貿(mào)、官方以及一些正式的信件中使用,以顯示信件內(nèi)容的嚴(yán)肅性,真實(shí)性,可靠性。而折衷式則顯的比較隨便,主要用于家人、朋友、私人之間來往的'信件。如果兩人之間不是第一次通信,相互比較了解,可以省略信內(nèi)的雙方地址。
A: 齊頭式信件款式
Liu Ping
Box 408
Beijing University
Beijing 100871
P. R. China
July 10, 2002
Dept. of Geology
Columbia University
New York, NY, 10028
U. S. A.
Dear Professor Sullivan,
This is a request for admittance to your University as a visiting scholar. I hope it will be possible for me to take some courses and also do some research work in your department. Our Government will provide me with all traveling and living expenses. Enclosed please find my application and three letters of recommendation, which I hope you will find satisfactory.
Thank you for your kind consideration. I'm looking forward to your earliest reply.
Sincerely yours,
Liu Ping
December 22, 2002
Dear Mr. Ken,
I arrived at Shanghai yesterday afternoon. My wife and my daughter met me at the airport. They were very much glad that I could come back just before Christmas and the new year's day.
On our way home, I told them a lot about my stay in America, until now they are always encouraging me to tell them some interesting incidents and exciting experiences that I encountered in the State. You know they have never been abroad, and therefore everything may seem strange to them. It is even extremely incredible for them to know that every day we took half an hour drive for our lunch, which is quite natural for ordinary people. My wife and daughter want me to thank you for your gifts to them. My daughter loves the toy dog very much, and she always holds it even when she is sleeping. My wife loves the purse. She feels so proud of owning it, speaks so highly of its quality that she shows it to all her friends.
Anyway, I'm much obliged to you for your hospitality during my stay there, and to your wife, Catherine, especially. She is really a nice young lady, who is kind, frank and generous. With her guidance and instructions, I could visit some places that I had been longing for, find some important materials and learn something in detail about American culture. Meanwhile, I would thank your colleagues for their tremendous help, without which it would have been impossible for me to cope with everything.
I won't come to my office until January 6. We will inform you of our decision about the contract as soon as possible. Please remember me to your wife and two daughters.
Sincerely yours,
Zhou Yan-wen
B: 折衷式信件款式
Li Xiang
Commercial and Trade LMT
Room 606 Park Hotel
No. 18 Nanjing Road (W)
Shanghai 20001
P. R. China
July 20, 2002
Mr. Smith Henkel
Manager of Import Division
Victoria Industries Co.
Flemington 3032
VIC, Australia
Dear Mr. Henkel,
We acknowledge the receipt of your letter and its enclosure of February 10 about thesupply of washing machines.
We regret that it is difficult for us to consider the purchase as our company does not need the item for the time being. We have recorded your quotation of our further use.
Thank you for your kind attention to this reply.
Yours faithfully,
Li Xiang