導讀:求職的學生們,如果你還沒找到自己的'另一半,那么在選擇工作前切記要三思。以下的一些工作職位及其特點,可能會讓你和轟轟烈烈的愛情絕緣哦!The number of the females in the office is always overwhelmingly more than male. And frequent overtime is a headache.在會計領(lǐng)域,男女比例極不平衡,女性占壓倒性的多數(shù)。,而且頻繁的加班熬夜也很讓人頭疼。
PR and ad companies人力資源公司/廣告公司
Though you get to know lots of people, those who transform their working relationship into intimate romance are few.盡管這樣的工作使你廣交人脈,可要把工作關(guān)系升華到戀人關(guān)系卻不是件容易的事。
Law firm律師事務所
The serious nature of the work means lawyers are hardly renowned as romantic. Female lawyers have a tendency to intimidate men, and enjoy it.嚴肅的工作性質(zhì)使得律師無法跟“浪漫”掛鉤。女律師們常常會嚇跑男士,并且自得其樂。
Costume designer服裝設(shè)計師
Good costume designers are always “seeking something fresh,” and find it hard to keep relationships going a long time.服裝大師們總是在“尋找新鮮感”,因此很難維持一段長期的戀情。
TV studio make-up artist, stylist, cameraman電視臺化妝師,造型師,攝像師
Their workplace is full of beauties and attention seekers, and they gradually become less impressed by good looks. Girls get fed up with the feminine nature of the men.這些人的工作地總是美女帥哥云集,久而久之,他們對于美也變得漠然了。女孩兒們更是受夠了那些陰柔的娘娘腔。
Journalist or editor記者、編輯
They take it for granted that they know more than everyone else, and become narcissistic, proud and intolerant.他們想當然地認為自己懂得比誰都多,漸漸變得孤芳自賞,自傲,對別人容忍度差。
Actor or actress演員
Surrounded by temptation and opportunities to start a relationship. Those who achieve fame often need to remain single to maintain fans—— support.面對諸多誘惑,演員們常常會桃花纏身?墒,如果想成名,他們還是保持單身,以得到粉絲的擁護。