職場禮節(jié)美語2 慈善捐款
Michael: Ok, folks....It's been a tough year, but we're going to stick with our tradition and give our usual yearly amount. Any suggestions?
Frank: Perhaps we could donate to my church's missionary group. I know a couple other good Christian organizations that could use some help.
Jenny: Um....if I might interject. I don't have a problem with religious charities but I do object to any proselytizing.
雖然公司不景氣,但還是打算依慣例捐款。 Frank建議捐給基督教團體,但是Jenny反對向特定宗教色彩的團體捐助,避免支持某一宗教之嫌。 Proselytize是勸人信教的意思。
Ok, that's a good point to think about. We want the donations to reflect the entire company so we should avoid anything controversial.
Gina: I was thinking perhaps we could give to more international causes. The victims of that horrible earthquake in China still need a lot of help.
F: How about the Red Cross? They have a pretty good track record, right?
G: Yeah, let's give them 10%.
M, G, J: Agreed.
Michael同意Jenny的看法,因為捐助代表整個公司,應(yīng)該避免任何爭議。 Gina提議捐給國際慈善事業(yè),比如說中國地震災(zāi)民。 Frank提出,紅十字會的記錄就不錯。大家同意把百分之十的錢捐給紅十字會。
J: I was doing some research before this meeting and I found a great website called CharityWatch.org. They have lots of tips about avoiding fraud and giving to the right organizations. Did you know that nearly 70,000 new American charity groups were founded just last year?
F: Wow....that's a lot of choices. It's kind of daunting! So should we stick with the tried and proven groups or should we branch out?
G: A group called "Water-4-Africa" sponsors water-purifying kits that can help eliminate serious diseases.
I like it. All in favor?
G, F,: Yes.
J: It sounds good. But I think I should do a bit more research. The American Institute of Philanthropy suggests we check to see how much of the funds they use for direct charity work and how much goes to administration costs.
F: You know, Jenny has a point. All these groups look good on paper, but you never know.
J: The recommendation is that 60% of funds should go to projects with no more than 40% going to the charity's own costs.
M: Here's another good website: CharityNavigator.org. You can search specific groups and check their ratings. Red Cross is number five in the "Most Recommended Charities."
G: There's also animal-related groups. How about the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals?
F: They're number four on the list. Sounds good.
J: World Vision is number one. They're a Christian group that provides lot of medical assistance in Asia and Africa.
M: And of course, while we all enjoy doing a good deed, we do need to ensure that the company can get a tax break from our contributions.
G: I'll double check that donations to each of those groups are in fact tax-deductible.
向亞洲和非洲提供醫(yī)療幫助的基督教團體“世界視野” 名列第一。 Michael提醒說,做好事的.同時,也要保證公司的捐款能抵稅。 We do need to ensure that the company get a tax break from our contributions. Gina說,她會double check查清楚,這些慈善捐款都是能夠抵稅的。
F: I just had a thought. Every year we give corporate donations and that's all well and good, but we might consider giving our time instead.
G: Interesting! You mean like volunteering? I like it.
M: Hummm.... that could work. Any specific suggestions?
F: Well, we all have our pet causes. Gina is an animal lover. I have church projects. Jenny is a computer genius....we all have something we could teach or offer.
J: That idea is very worth considering. In some ways, that's a lot more meaningful than giving money.
G: Yeah. Even doing something simple like volunteering to answer the phone lines at the Red Cross can be a huge help.
M: Ok, how about if we give half of our contribution as donations and for the other half we give our time or expertise to the group of our choice?
All: Agreed!
大家都覺得這個主意不錯。Jenny說,從某種角度說,這比給錢更有意義。 That's a lot more meaningful than giving money. 最后大家一致同意,捐款只做為慈善募捐的一部分。另外一部分由大家自己挑選慈善團體,為它們貢獻時間或是專業(yè)技能。
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