- 相關(guān)推薦
Books and Man
Jin Shenghua
A friend of mine, having been actively involved in the arena of love for some time, finally became weary of it and, containing himself, quietly retired to his study to spend time with books all day long.
He was no longer heard sighing deeply. On the contrary, he now had a peaceful mind and felt everything was bright and clear and the world wide and open.
1,“在情場上轟轟烈烈地馳騁了一陣”譯為having been actively involved in the arena of love for some time,其中“having been actively involved in”意為”積極參與“在政經(jīng)類文章中也經(jīng)常粗線~”馳騁“也可譯作gallop about in…或engross in” 2,情場“譯為the arena of love(即愛情的競技場)
3,“收拾心情”意即“自我克制”“收斂自己”,譯為containing himself
4,” 唉聲嘆氣”= sighing deeply
5,” 豁然開朗”= felt everything was bright and clear,” 天地廣闊”= the world wide and open
It is very dangerous to let somebody be master of your sentiments, such as joy, anger, pleasure and sorrow. For example, you are elated simply because the other party looks cheerful, you are jumpy simply because the other party looks put out. Consequently, you are completely at the mercy of the other party as regards your own mood. Is it worth it?
1,“把自己的喜怒哀樂,完全寄托在另外一個人身上”意即“讓別人控制自己的喜怒哀樂”,故譯to let somebody be master of your sentiments, such as joy, anger, pleasure and sorrow.后面又出現(xiàn)的“…完全控制著自己的情緒起落”,譯者將“控制”譯為at the mercy of
2,” 對方喜則自己心花怒放,對方怒則自己心驚膽戰(zhàn)”這句話也很好找邏輯,“因為對方高興自己而開心。因為對方生氣而提心吊膽“
3. “這又何苦呢?”即“這值得嗎”譯為Is it worth it?
As to books, things are entirely different.
“全沒有這種麻煩”即“情況大不相同”,采取意思擴(kuò)大化,譯為things are entirely different
It is much easier to choose a book than a friend. One who is poor at speech and shuns socializing will nevertheless feel like being surrounded by friends while sauntering freely in the midst of books.
1,“厭惡應(yīng)酬”譯為shuns socializing,其中shun意為“(有意)躲開,避開”,socialize意為“參加社交活動”,《張培基》中也提到另一種譯法,即“dislike s social functions,但social functions指社交集會,涵蓋不如socialize廣
2,“游目四顧,俯拾皆友”即“周圍都是朋友” =feel like being surrounded by friends
Some books are to be read cursorily, and some are to be chewed and digested. None will ever call you fickle-minded, and none will ever demand that you be constant in your affection. You can go from one book to another. And you can read your favorite book over and over again. When you lay aside the book you dislike, none will ever feel hurt or disappointed. While interpersonal relations are most complicated, what about your relations with books? Devote your time to studies, and you will be able to acquire any knowledge no matter how profound it is.
1,“可以細(xì)嚼“譯為some are to be chewed and digested,譯者引用培根《談讀書》一文中的用語,把”細(xì)嚼“譯為to be chewed and digested
3,“不耐看的書,又可隨手拋下,誰也不會因此而傷心失望“譯為When you lay aside the book you dislike, none will ever feel hurt or disappointed.即”你可以隨手拋下你不喜歡的書,誰也不會因此而傷心失望“,譯者用when進(jìn)行串句,體現(xiàn)翻譯句式的靈活性~
While being confined to your small room with a book in your hand, your mind will be roaming throughout the world. You will not only have a heart-to-heart chat with Laozi (1) and Zhuangzi (2), but also converse with Plato. When you are in a mood, Keats and Shelley will whisper to you soothingly, and Balzac will stage for you stories from his La Comedie Humaine. And a galaxy of talented friends like Li Bai (3), Du Fu (4), Oscar Wilde, Shakespeare…will come to you at your call.If you are lonely, why not seek the company of books?
1,“手持一書,吟哦于四壁之中,神游于四海之外…”,其中”四壁“即書房,“吟哦于四壁”即“呆在書房”,故譯為While being confined to your small room with a book in your hand, your mind will be roaming throughout the world.
2,“心情煩悶時”譯為When you are in a mood,in a mood是成語,譯為“情緒不好,
3,“在你耳畔喁喁細(xì)語“譯為will whisper to you soothingly,其中soothingly是增益成分,譯為“用安撫的口氣”
4,“巴爾扎克為你搬演《人間喜劇》”即“巴爾扎克重述‘人間喜劇’中的故事,為你帶來樂趣”譯為Balzac will stage for you stories from his La Comedie Humaine
(1) Laozi (or Lao-tzu, c.604-531 BC), renowned Chinese philosopher of the late Spring and Autumn Period and founder of Taoism.
(2) Zhuangzi (or Chuang-tzu, c.369-286 BC), Chinese philosopher and writer of the Warring States Period who advocated Taoism.
(3) Li Bai (701-762), one of China’s most famous poets in the Tang Dynasty.
(4) Du Fu (712-770), one of China’s most famous poets in the Tang Dynasty.