

時間:2020-11-04 18:41:01 愛情經(jīng)典語錄 我要投稿





  1. 兩個人分手之后,天涯各處,不相往還,他們總以為,對方還是活著的,原來,那個人也許已經(jīng)不在了。 "After the two men parted, horizon everywhere, not relative dealings, they always think the other side is still alive, the original, that person might have gone. "

  2. 愛情就像冰激凌,無論如何避免,最后它終究會溶化。 "Love is like ice cream, anyway avoid, and finally it will eventually melt. "

  3. 曾經(jīng)擁有的,不要忘記。不能得到的,更要珍惜。屬于自己的,不要放棄。已經(jīng)失去的,留作回憶。 "Once owned, do not forget. Can not get, but also to cherish. Their own, do not give up. 've Lost things in memory. "

  4. 世上沒有任何一種動物,跑得比時間和生命快,賽過光陰的不是速度,而是愛情在兩個靈魂之間的慢舞。 "There is no any kind of animal, run faster than time and life quickly surpass time is not speed, but in the slow dance of love between two souls. "

  5. 要是有人追求,世界上沒有一個女人不是飄飄然的。正因為這樣,女人才會那么迷死人。 "If someone pursuit, not a woman is not smug world. Because of this, women will then awesomeness. "

  6. 最浪漫的東西往往也就是最乏味的東西。一只鳥不可能在同一棵樹上停留太久,否則對這鳥對這樹都是一種負擔,鳥兒總想去看另一片天空,而樹也不愿每天面對同樣的風景。 "The most romantic thing that is often the most tedious things. A bird can not stay in the same tree for too long, otherwise these birds are a burden on this tree, and the birds always want to see another piece of the sky, and trees do not want to face the same scenery every day. "

  7. 我愛你,不是因為你是一個怎樣的人,而是因為我喜歡與你在一起時的感覺。 "I love you not because of who you are, but because I like the feeling with you when. "

  8. 生活其實真的很平凡,任何人都不能得到所要的全部,有得必有失,只是在得失的選擇中,擁有你自己最珍貴的東西。 "Life is really very ordinary, no one can get all you want, gains will lose, but in the pros and cons of choices, with the most precious thing you own. "

  9. 擁有你的愛,我會萬般珍惜,不再擁有時,我會珍藏所有的回憶,這一切只因為我始終愛著你,所以才會有那樣令我忐忑不安的.顧慮。遇見你,到底是我的幸運還是不幸。 "Have your love, I will cherish the worth, no longer have, I will treasure all the memories, all this just because I have always loved you, so that makes me uneasy will have concerns. I met you in the end is my lucky or unlucky. "

  10. 愛情的天平加上金錢的砝碼,就會失去幸福的平衡。買賣婚姻成交的時候,往往就是愛情悲劇的開始。 "Love the balance plus weight of money, they will lose the balance of happiness. When trading turnover of marriage, often is the love tragedy begins. "

  11. 愛情就像一支箭,婚姻就像被射中的蘋果,可惜的是,射中之后,箭頭就會生銹,蘋果就會爛掉。 "Love is like an arrow, marriage is like being shot in the apple, unfortunately, after the shot, the arrow will rust, apples will rot. "

  12. 美能激發(fā)人的感情,愛情凈化人的心靈。 "America can stimulate people's feelings, love purify the human mind. "


  1. 愛會改變一個人,也會毀了一個人,所以愛情要慎重,愛情不是兒戲,如果愛情來了之后就應(yīng)好好把握好好珍惜,不要等失去了才讓自己后悔。 "Love can change a person, will ruin a person, so be careful of love, love is not a trifling matter, if love comes after it should take advantage of treasure, do not wait just let yourself regret losing. "

  2. 愛一個人不一定要擁有,但擁有一個人就一定要好好去愛他。 "Do not necessarily have to love a person, but a person must have a good love him. "

  3. 年輕的姑娘們遇到人家第一次求婚(求愛),即使心里愿意答應(yīng),口頭上總是拒絕,有時候甚至回絕他兩次三次。 "Young girls encounter people first marry (courtship), even if the heart is willing to agree, verbally always refused, rejected him twice and sometimes even three times. "

  4. 真正的愛情是什么?它是一種感應(yīng),不是外在。為追求般配而結(jié)合,只會給彼此造成終生遺憾。 "What is true love? It is a sensor, not external. For the pursuit of a good fit and combined, will give each other a lifelong regret. "

  5. 愛情像衣服,雖然很多,但適合的只有一件。 "Love is like clothes, although many, but only one suitable. "

  6. 愛情無需刻意去把握,越是想抓牢自己的愛情,反而越容易失去自我,失去原則,失去彼此之間應(yīng)該保持的寬容和諒解。 "Love without deliberately to grasp, the more we want to grasp his love, but more likely to lose self, losing principle, lose each other should remain tolerant and understanding. "

  7. 別因為寂寞而錯愛,別因為錯愛而寂寞一生。 "Do not be lonely and indulgence, not because of indulgence and lonely life. "

  8. 愛情像一面鏡子,曾經(jīng)有了裂痕,于是鏡里的風景也扭曲了。 "Love is like a mirror, had been cracked, so the mirror landscape also distorted. "

  9. 愛情里有苦有甜。只有細心的經(jīng)營,讓它開花結(jié)果。而愛的最高境界就是愛的像呼吸。你沒感覺到,卻時時存在。平淡卻不可或缺。 "There is bitter sweet love. Only careful management, it fruition. The highest state of love is to love like breathing. Do not you feel, but always present. Dull but indispensable. "

  10. 愛不需要解釋,卻又可以解釋一切。雖然愛情只是眾多情感中的一類,但它遠比其它來得深刻。 "Love does not need to explain, but you can explain everything. While love is just one of many emotions in a class, but it is more profound than the other. "

  11. 當你經(jīng)歷過愛與被愛,學會了愛,才會知道什么是你需要的,也才會找到最適合你,能夠相處一輩子的人。 "When you have experienced love and be loved, learned to love, will know what you need, but also will find the most suitable for you, life can get along with people. "

  12. 如果你沒決心做好男人,那你就得不到好女人。世界上沒有一個壞男人會有一個好女人,同樣的,也沒有一個壞女人會有一個好男人。 "If you do not resolve to a man, then you do not get a good woman. A bad man did not have a good woman of the world, the same, and no one will be a good man bad woman."

  13. 愛情是信任,是包容,是呵護,是無時無刻的想念,和對彼此的責任。愛情就是最親密的親情。 "Love is trust, is inclusive, is care, is to miss all the time, and responsibility for each other. Love is the most intimate affection. "

  14. 本世紀的最大的迷思就是:到底是該主動地去追別人,還是被動地被別人追。 "The biggest myth of the century is this: in the end is that the initiative to chase someone, or passively being chased others. "

  15. 愛,是人與生俱來的一種本能,根本不必去刻意尋找,它在那里,它的能量源源不絕,生生不息。 "Love is a human instinct innate deliberately do not have to go looking for it in there, it's endless energy, endless. "

  16. 很小的一件事就會嚇壞愛情,很小的一件事情也會使愛情歡愉起來。對愛情來說,任何事情都有意義,任何事情都可以構(gòu)成吉光或者兇光。 "One thing would be terrified little love, a little love, joy make things up. Love it, everything has meaning, anything can constitute Yoshimitsu or fiercely. "

  17. 愛情就像冰激凌,無論如何避免,最后它終究會溶化。 "Love is like ice cream, anyway avoid, and finally it will eventually melt. "

  18. 很多放棄愛情的,對婚姻失望的,甚至離婚的,都是因為要求愛情一直亢奮,不接受它的常態(tài)。 "Many give up love, the marriage of disappointment, and even divorce, because love has been requested excitement, it does not accept the norm. "

  19. 愛情,是每個人都很向往的東西。它無形卻有形,它能給你帶來激情與快樂,同時,也能給你帶來悲傷和傷痕。 "Love is something everyone yearning. It is invisible but tangible, it can bring you the passion and joy, but also bring you grief and wounds. "

  20. 女人既不是善良的天使,也不兇惡的魔鬼,而僅僅是個凡人,而且從愛情和情感的力量來看,她們是比男子更軟弱的受造之物。 "Women are neither good angels nor demons evil, but merely mortal, and from the power of love and emotional point of view, they are much weaker than men's creation. "


  1. 舉得起放得下的叫舉重,舉得起放不下的叫負重?上,大多數(shù)人的愛情,都是負重的。 "For afford to put the call weightlifting, lifting load can afford to fit the name. Unfortunately, most people love, are weight-bearing. "

  2. 愛過就拋在身后,不要緬懷過去,因為它畢竟已經(jīng)過去,現(xiàn)在是新的開始,將過去的陰影留在現(xiàn)在只會讓你的現(xiàn)在也成為過去。 "Loved it behind, do not cherish the memory of the past, because it is, after all, has been in the past, and now is a new beginning, will remain in the shadow of the past will now let you now past. "

  3. 當我對你越來越禮貌時,我們或許就越來越陌生了。 "When I tell you more polite, perhaps more familiar to us. "

  4. 所謂幸福,就是一個笨蛋遇到一個傻瓜,引來無數(shù)人的羨慕和嫉妒,風風雨雨,平平淡淡。 "The so-called happiness is a fool met a fool, attracted many people's envy and jealousy, ups and downs, nothing exciting. "

  5. 原來在愛人死后,活著的人是靠著回憶繼續(xù)愛著的,所以不要以為為愛的人死就是愛,若真的愛,就為愛的人活著,活到很老很老。 "The original lover's death, people are relying on the memories alive continued love, so do not think that's died for love is love, if it is really love, love for the people to live, live to be very old. "

  6. 有多少人,發(fā)表QQ簽名只是為了讓某人看見。 "How many people, published QQ signature just to let someone see. "

  7. 愛情,相信每個人都有對她獨一無二的最好詮釋。沒有一個唯一正確的答案是通用于所有人的,所以從古至今此題無解。 "Love, believe that everyone has the best of her unique interpretation. There is no single correct answer is common to all, so that this problem has no solution since ancient times. "

  8. 愛情不是避難所,想進去避難的話,是會被趕出來的。 "Love is not a refuge, refuge want to go, then it will be driven out. "

  9. 這個世界上沒有一個人值得你為他哭,唯一值得你為他哭的人卻永遠不會讓你哭! "No one in this world is worth your tears, only worth your tears, but people will never make you cry! "

  10. 適當?shù)赜美碇强刂谱矍椋欣麩o弊,發(fā)瘋似的濫施愛情,有弊無利。 "Appropriate use reason to control love, pluses and no minuses, frantically indiscriminate love, there is no good. "

  11. 很多放棄愛情的,對婚姻失望的,甚至離婚的,都是因為要求愛情一直亢奮,不接受它的常態(tài)。 "Many give up love, the marriage of disappointment, and even divorce, because love has been requested excitement, it does not accept the norm. "

  12. 我們經(jīng)常忽略那些疼愛我們的人,卻疼愛著那些忽略我們的人。 "We often ignore those who love us, they love those who ignore us. "

  13. 美麗的謊言往往比暴力更傷人,肉體的傷可以痊愈,心里的傷卻無藥可治。 "Beautiful lie often more wounding than violence, physical injury can heal my heart hurt but no cure. "

  14. 我愛你不是因為你是誰,而是我在你面前可以是誰。 "I love you not because of who you are, but for who I am before you are. "

  15. 真正的愛情是不能用言語表達的,行為才是忠心的最好說明。 "True love can not be expressed in words, loyalty behavior is the best explanation. "

  16. 愛情,不是一顆心去敲打另一顆心,而是兩顆心共同撞擊的火花。 "Love, not one heart to another heart beat, but the hearts of the common strike sparks. "

  17. 不要因為寂寞去戀愛,時間是個魔鬼,天長日久,如果你是個多情的人,即使不愛對方,到時候也會產(chǎn)生感情,到最后你怎么辦? "Do not be lonely to love, time is of the devil, Over time, if you are a passionate people, if not love each other, that time will also have feelings, and finally how do you do? "

  18. 一個人受到感情的傷害,原本是可以慢慢淡忘的,但如果心里一直念念不忘,就會使其所受的傷害,永遠難以痊愈。 "A person subject to feelings of hurt, the original can be slowly forgotten, but if my heart has been obsessed with, it will make the injuries, always difficult to heal. "










