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With the improved living standard, residents in an increasing number are fond of browsing the internet for shopping rather than wandering in the supermarkets just as the picture depicts. From what is shown, we can clearly notice the expenditure in online shopping rockets rapidly from...in... to...in...
There is no denying that the following factors should account for this phenomenon. To begin with, the updating process of science and technology makes it possible for consumers have various commodities with less money but with the same quality as those in the physical stores. And to be specifically speaking, as the ever-growing stress puts on our shoulders, we do not have so much leisure time, it is a time-saving process rather than a time-wasting one. And also, it can be defined as a course for relaxing and refreshing ourselves from our daily incidents.
It is a typical trait of the development of our society and economy, but on the other hand, it may bring about many potential damages to our physical industries. Therefore, effective measures should be set up and taken if necessary from the whole community.
You are preparing for an English test and are in need of some reference books. Write a letter to the sales department of a bookstore to ask for:
(1) detailed information about the books you want,
(2) methods of payment,
(3) time and way of delivery
A. Title: Air Travel
B. Time limit: 40 minutes
C. Word limit: about 200 words
D. Your essay should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
E. Your essay should be based on the information given below.
(Composition for reference only )
Many people prefer to travel by air. This is because air travel has some advantages. In the first place, airplane, the miracle created by man, is the fastest means of transport. It takes the least time for one to travel by air from one place to another. Secondly, traveling by air is convenient and comfortable. Friendly air hostesses are affectionate and considerate. They look after passengers all the way to their destinations. Moreover, on long distance flights there are films and music for people to entertain themselves.
As a popular saying goes, “Everything has two sides.” The same is true of air travel. It has some disadvantages, too. For one thing, air travel co
Directions: You find your study load is too heavy. Write a letter to your college teacher:
1) you need to withdraw from two courses,
2) explain the reasons,
3) ask if it is possible to obtain a refund.
Dear Professor Smith,
I am writing to formally request to withdraw from two courses: Introduction to Elementary Education and Teaching Methods.
The main reason for reducing my course load is that I am finding it extremely difficult to manage six courses. Because I really have to work part time, I have no other choice but to decrease my course load. Besides, I would also like to request a tuition refund. I am sorry for any inconveniences I have caused by this change in plans. This decision was not taken lightly, and I do appreciate the kind consideration you have shown to me.
Thank you for your attention to these requests. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 82036600. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
Now that we are in a new millennium, we can assume there will be changes in the world. Ipredict that the changes will be in the areas of information dissemination, global alliances, andfamily structure.
In the past decades, the computer was responsible for changing the way information wasorganized. Now, the computer plus the Internet is changing the way information is spread.Information will now be universally available to anyone with a computer. You will not have to goto libraries to do research; you will not have to travel to visit scholars; you will not have to goto a bookstore to buy a book. You can do all of this from your home on the computer.
In the past decades, the nations of the world aligned themselves with the United States, theformer Soviet Union, or with one another in a loose alliance. In the future these alliances will bemore fluid. Some countries will align politically with one country, but economically with another.Some countries will share technology and other information, but will not trade together. Somecountries, which have long been enemies, will align militarily for regional security.
The family structure will not be based on a mother/father/child pattern. Single parent familieswill be more common and often the child will not be a biological child of the single parent, but willbe adopted. Other family structures like domestic partnerships will become more accepted.
Whatever the changes may be, whether in the way we receive information, the way nationsalign with one another, or the way family units are defined, you can be sure that there will bemore change. Change is a constant.
Imagine you are a student who wants to apply for the New Star scholarship offered by your university. Write a letter to the person concerned which should include
(1) the purpose of writing the letter;
(2) your qualifications for the scholarship;
(3) your thanks.
You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead.
You do not need to write the address.
What is subtly demonstrated in the above drawing is that in front of a desktop sits a fashionable lady who is staring at the screen with shocked expression wearing on cheeks and huge sweat dropping from her forehead. What is spit from the computer is the lengthy Alipay bill, which can almost be spread as long as two meters. The caption above reads that you should keep away from Taobao and cherish your income.
The objective of the drawer is to show us that utmost attention should be paid to shopping online, which has exerted profound impact on the daily life of the average individuals. We can easily recognize its advantages as follows: e-commerce, which is extremely convenient, can save us a great amount of precious time and we can buy products everywhere we want as long as we can surf online. However, for all the advantages mentioned above, online trading is by no means without its limitations as listed below: we may be cheated by some online retailers, which might be a potential threat to our bank accounts.
Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures. For one thing, we should appeal to the authorities to make strict legislations to severely punish those who deliberately spoil the interests of online customers. For another, we should enhance the awareness of residents that rational purchasing is conducive to our income management. Only in this way can we maximize the merits and minimize the demerits of online purchasing.
Dear Sir or Madam,I have long been a moral supporter of your organization, and today, I am proud to be able to make a financial contribution to Project Hope. I don't have millions of dollars to offer; however, as Chairman Mao once said, “Even a small spark can start a field ablaze”—which is to say, even though our actions are very small, we can make a big difference.
I am writing to your office in the hope that you will help me find a young girl in northwest China who shows scholastic potential, but has recently been forced to withdraw from school because her parents can't afford tuition. If she is willing to be a diligent student and work hard, I will pay for her textbooks and tuition until she finishes high school.
Many thanks,Sincerely,Li Ming
( 139 words)
One of the pictures shows a very dedicated fan that, in support of the world-famous footballer, has written David Beckham's name on his face. The other picture shows a man in a barbershop, asking his hair stylist to give him the same hairstyle as David Beckham. For this service, he will pay 300 RMB.
These pictures are perfect examples of the increasingly wild and creative ways in which fans are taking ‘support' for their sports heroes to new levels. This is very popular in foreign countries, and it has become much more widespread in China over the last few years. I imagine that, in the future, there will be more and more famous Chinese athletes, and Westerners will be trying to find new ways to prove that they are true fans of Chinese stars like the basketball player Yao Ming.
While some people might think that this admiration of athletes has gone too far, I think that it is harmless as long as it does not consume a young person's life. Sometimes life can be very tough and boring, and sports can allow us to have fun every once in a while.
( 192 words)
Direction: You just bought an English dictionary from a famous e-commerce site only to find it not as good as you expected. Write an email to the customer service center to
1) complain the poor quality of the dictionary, and
2) give reasons for your complaints.
Dear Mr. Wang,
As a regular customer, I am writing this letter to complain about the quality of dictionary bought from the bookone.com.
I ordered an Oxford Dictionary of Contemporary English a week ago. Apart from the delayed delivery, many pages in the dictionary are missing and some of the pages are reversed, which are totally unacceptable to me.
I would like to get a refund or at least change it for a new one. And trust that you will now consider this matter seriously and make an effort to prevent the recurrence of this kind.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
52. Directions:
Write an essay of 160-180 words based on the following picture.
In your essay, you should
1) describe the picture briefly.
2) interpret its intended meaning, and
3) give your comments.
As is vividly depicted in the picture, in the first picture there are a lot of books besides a boy, but he doesn’t read any of them. By contrast, the second one portrays that another boy makes a plan of reading: 20 books one year. In fact, the phenomenon in the picture doesn’t surprise us at all. Simple as it is, the intended meaning of the picture is worth our reflecting.
Undoubtedly, the cartoonist aims at reminding us of the significance of reading and knowledge . At the top of the list, we should attach importance to reading mainly due to that it can enable us to ameliorate ourselves so we can be qualified for future career promotion, and be ready for meeting the forthcoming challenges.What’s more, we ought to place a high value on the role played by knowledge in personal growth. Put it another way, in this ever-changing world, knowledge accumulation is to personal growth what water is to fish. To sum up, if reading and knowledge miss our attention in any possible way, we will suffer a great loss beyond imagination.
Hence, it is vital for us to derive positive implications from the above picture. For one thing, we should frequently use it to enlighten the young. For another, we should cultivate the awareness of teenagers that reading is very vital. Only by doing so, can we become winner in the face of difficulties.
The drawing does mirror a common social phenomenon and is really thought-provoking. According to the above photo, a couple of elephants are walking forward slowly while the young elephant says to his mother, “Mom, my tusks start to grow up!
But mom, why aren’t you happy about that?”What is conveyed carries the message of the human’s threat on the wild animals by catching and killing.
A host of reasons may make this happen. To start with, an army of hunters have been killing rare wild animals just to make huge profits. That is the very reason why the mother elephant does not glad to hear that her son’s ivory growing. Another significant cause of the rapid reduction of wildlife is the disappearance of their natural habitats. Because the urbanization is advancing fast, forcing the animals give up their original places and change another site which may not be as good as before.
Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take drastic and effective measures to protect the wildlife. On the one hand, we can appeal to the government to make some strict laws to prevent them from being caught and killed. On another level, we must enhance citizen's awareness that loving the nature is everybody's responsibility. Only through these measures are we able to have opportunities to expect a beautiful world and a promising prospect to come.
An Announcement
Jan. 9, 20xx
International Conference on Globalization, from March 3th to 10th, will be held at Tsinghua University. We, the Postgraduates‘ Association, are entitled to organize this conference. Thus, we are badly in need of volunteers to assist us in organizing the relevant affairs, including reception, distribution of documents, technical support, etc.
Students who have previous experience as volunteers are preferred. Basic knowledge in computer, fluent oral English and an amicable personality are some of the qualities we desire. Volunteers shall be available for at least 3 days without absence during the conference.
If you are interested and willing to have a whole new experience in this semester, please do not hesitate to send your resume to liming@hotmail.com before Jan. 20th. Your applications are welcome.
Postgraduates‘ Association
Wise people used to say that taking actions is of utmost significance in our daily life. This is most vividly illustrated in the given picture, which shows that two young boys both holding guitar are playing different life situations. The boy on the left is daydreaming about the day he gives a perfect concert and is admired by all the fans, while the boy on the right is practicing the guitar and singing skill persistently.
Studying it further, it is easy to figure out that taking actions is the only way to fulfill our dream. Our country, for example, has developed rapidly in terms of economy and science and technology. We have accomplished in about two decades what other emerging countries used to achieve in a century. There is no denying that it is the perseverance and taking actions that really realize the promise they made. If you never take action to do something, you will never have a chance to win. For example, a great number of students choose to take part in the National Entrance Exam for master’s degree. However, those who dreamed of becoming the postgraduates without taking any actions are even tremble at the thought of taking the exam, most of them are escaping the classroom when the first exam is over.
In a word, I believe, just like Forrest Gump said: “Life is like a box of chocolates:you never know what you’re gonna get. ” Unless you have the awareness that action speaks louder than the word.
Write a letter inquiring about a travel agency about the trip to Mount Huangshan. Some necessary details must be included. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I would like to travel to Mount Huangshan this summer. I would be most grateful if you could send me information regarding the following information concerned in your agency because my friend John spoke highly of your service.
My family will come with me. Therefore, I would like to know the details about this trip, such as the accommodation, the plans and the money we will cost. By the way, how do you deliver these materials to me? What’s the deadline before we make the final decision?
How do I pay for you?
Thank you for your attention. I am looking forward to your immediate response.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
一背誦:選擇歷年真題的范文和一些與真題作文相近的文章狂背!背不能只是懵懂的瞎背,要有重點, 背文章框架、精彩句構和點睛的文筆,考研英語作文突擊戰(zhàn)。時而可以拿一些外語原著(散文)名篇來讀背,加強自己的語感,使自己的表達地道化。
3、開門見山。! 題目要求你寫什么的,開篇就點題!