SlangScientific sounding answers are better than slang ones. In the answer choices
below, choice B is much less scientific and is incorrect, while choice A is a
scientific analytical choice and is correct.
A.) To compare the outcomes of the two different kinds of treatment.
B.) Because some subjects insisted on getting one or the other of the treatments.
Extreme StatementsAvoid wild answers that throw out highly controversial ideas that are proclaimed
as established fact. Choice A is a radical idea and is incorrect. Choice B is a
calm rational statement. Notice that Choice B does not make a definitive,
uncompromising stance, using a hedge word “if” to provide wiggle room.
A.) Bypass surgery should be discontinued completely.
B.) Medication should be used instead of surgery for patients who have not had a
heart attack if they suffer from mild chest pain and mild coronary artery blockage.
Similar Answer Choices
When you have two answer choices that are direct opposites, one of them is
usually the correct answer.
A.) described the author’s reasoning about the influence of his childhood on his
adult life.
B.) described the author’s reasoning about the influence of his parents on his
adult lifeThese two answer choices are very similar and fall into the same family of
answer choices. A family of answer choices is when two or three answer choices
are very similar. Often two will be opposites and one may show an equality.
A.) Plan I or Plan II can be conducted at equal cost
B.) Plan I would be less expensive than Plan II
C.) Plan II would be less expensive than Plan I
D.) Neither Plan I nor Plan II would be effective
Note how the first three choices are all related. They all ask about a cost
comparison. Beware of immediately recognizing choices B and C as opposites
and choosing one of those two. Choice A is in the same family of questions and
should be considered as well. However, choice D is not in the same family of
questions. It has nothing to do with cost and can be discounted in most cases.
HedgingWhen asked for a conclusion that may be drawn, look for critical “hedge”
phrases, such as likely, may, can, will often, sometimes, etc, often, almost,
mostly, usually, generally, rarely, sometimes. Question writers these
hedge phrases to cover every possibility. Often an answer will be wrong simply
because it leaves no room for exception. Avoid answer choices that have
definitive words like “exactly,” and “always”.
Summary of Guessing Techniques
1. Eliminate as many choices as you can by using the $5 test. Use the common
guessing strategies to help in the elimination process, but only eliminate
choices that pass the $5 test.
2. Among the remaining choices, only pick your “best guess” if it passes the $5
3. Otherwise, guess randomly by picking the first remaining choice.
Practice Smarter, Not Harder
Many students delay the test preparation process because they dread the awful amounts of practice time they think necessary to succeed on the test. We have refined an effective method that will take you only a fraction of the time.
There are a number of “obstacles” in your way on the IELTS. Among these are answering questions, finishing in time, and mastering test-taking strategies. All must be executed on the day of the test at peak performance, or your score will suffer. The IELTS is a mental marathon that has a large impact on your future. Just like a marathon runner, it is important to work your way up to the full challenge. So first you just worry about questions, and then time, and finally strategy:
1. Find a good source for IELTS practice tests. These must be OFFICIAL IELTS tests, or they will be of little use. The best source for these is official practice tests from IELTS. A link to a source of official practice tests is included in the appendix.
2. If you are willing to make a larger time investment (or if you want to really “l(fā)earn” the material, a time consuming but ultimately valuable endeavor), consider buying one of the better study guides on the market. Again, do NOT use their practice tests, just the study guide.
3. Take a practice test with no time constraints, with all study helps “open book.” Take your time with questions and focus on applying the strategies.
4. Take another test, this time with time constraints, with all study helps “open book.”
5. Take a final practice test with no open material and time limits.
If you have time to take more practice tests, just repeat step 5. By gradually exposing yourself to the full rigors of the test environment, you will condition your mind to the stress of test day and maximiz