@N҂Ҫע@NpeZ҂ҪסֱeZlgeZ磺Tom lent me several books. Ԓme bookseZɷǰߞgeZߞֱeZQԒfƾg(sh)ive sb. sth = give sth to sb.; buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. send sb. sth = send sth. to sb.ֱeZh(yun)ijsthgeZtijsb.
@иxԇо̵ģMany plants and trees disappeared abruptly during the period. (@Εr(sh)SֲﶼͻȻʧڱԒplantsanimalsZɷ֣disappearDz~^Zduring that periodtǠZ)ٱ磺Many millions of years after ferns evolved, another kind of flora evolved on Earth.(ާֲM(jn)װfֳ֮F(xin)һNֲȺ)
@(g)иԇҊŌW(xu)(x)ӢZĿ֪һľӶ@3ֽM磺Yet the most fundamental standard of historical periodization conceals a host of paradoxes.(Ȼ@(xing)vʷA(ch)Ę(bio)־¼s[һϵеìСZstandardthe most fundamental~ǰöZstandardof historical periodizationǽeY(ji)(gu)öZstandardConceal[^ZɷparadoxesìܞeZ)߅@ԒҲdzиxIn 1929 the United States motion picture industry released more than 300 sound films --- a rough figure. (һ(g)ԵĽy(tng)Ӌ(j)1929Ӱa(chn)I(y)ų300ӰԒZindustry^Zreleasesound filmseZľZͶZɷ̖߅ͬλZĵa(b)f)
ea(b)eՈa(b)fea(b)ʹஔ(dng)ߵ(jng)ea(b)У~~eY(ji)(gu)F(xin)ڷ~doing^ȥ~doneʽ to doеľУHigh technology makes it easier and more convenient for people to communicate with others. it ʽeZeZto communicate with others. easier more convenientnjeZa(b)f
@(g)һЩ磺It is obvious that he lies again.itʽZobviousϵ~Zthat(do)ďľr(sh)ZZľ