
W(xu)W(wng) > иԇ > иĊW\زķ





As the most important event for the human race, the significance of the Olympic games has extended from a traditional global sports extravaganza to a celebration of diversified cultures and a ceremony in the hope of peace. The Olympics is undoubtedly an ideal international proving ground for athletes. It gives them the opportunity to compete against athletes of similar abilities on an international stage. This gives them the opportunity to compare themselves against each other and to determine how good they are internationally. The sportsmanship shown by this magnificent event inspires those who are pursuing their dreams. Although a gold medal is what all participants strive for, it is more crucial to realize that the most valuable fortune in life is not any triumph but the struggle. As the Olympic symbol demonstrates, the strength of cooperation, combined with the significance of every nation’s participation, is far greater than winning a competition.


diversified Ԫ

=diverse, various

The coverage of diversified knowledge makes the campus life colorful and interesting; it also prepares students for a successful tomorrow.

sportsmanship \ӆT


 track and field

I(y)\ professional sport

I(y)\ amateur sport

ȫx all-round athlete

wO(sh)ʩ sports facility

yıِ memorable/unforgettable match

Añِ win a match

o(j) break the world record

(chung)¼o(j) set a new world record


