иԇ~R 1
ecology B(ti)W
ecologist B(ti)W
ecosystem B(ti)ϵy(tng)
balance (of nature) ȻB(ti)ƽ
fauna Ⱥ
flora ֲȺ
rain forest
food chain ʳ
acid rain
greenhouse effect Ч
infrared radiation t⾀ݗ
ozone layer (ozonosphere)
ultraviolet radiation ݗ
pollution Ⱦ
pollution control Ⱦ
air pollution ՚Ⱦ
water pollution ˮȾ
noise pollution Ⱦ
soil pollution Ⱦ
pollution-free oȾ
pollutant Ⱦ
noxious (toxic) ж
fumes (ж)U
waste U
solid waste w
sewage (wastewater) ˮ
sewage purification ˮ
sewage disposal ˮ̎
decibel ()ؐ
иԇ~R 2
evening dress ҹY
dress coat, tails β,Y
nightshirt ʽY
dinner jacket oβY (:tuxedo)
full dress uniform YƷ
frock coat pſLY
gown, robe Y
tunic L
overcoat ʽ
coat Ů
topcoat A
fur coat Ƥ
three-quarter coat L
dust coat L
mantle, cloak
poncho s(˵һN)
sheepskin jacket ƤA
pelisse Ƥ
jacket A
anorak, duffle coat ñĊA,Lñ.ش
hood Lñ
scarf, muffler
knitted shawl ^,^
fur stole ëƤL
muff ƤͲ
housecoat, dressing gown (:duster)
short dressing gown ̳
bathrobe ԡ
nightgown, nightdress Ů˯
pyjamas ˯ѝ (:pajamas)
pocket ´
lapel ()I
detachable collar I,I
wing collar ӲI,ϝ{I
V-neck VI
buttonhole oۿ
shirt r
blouse oŮ
T-shirt AI,w
vest (:undershirt)
polo shirt
middy blouse ˮ
sweater \
short-sleeved sweater \
roll-neck sweater ߷I\
round-neck sweater AI\
suit, outfit, ensemble
twinset ɼ,\ѝ
jerkin Cb
kimono ͷ
ulster һNLɵ
jellaba, djellaba, jelab Lñ
cardigan _ë
mac, mackintosh, raincoat z
trousers ѝ
jeans ţѝ
short trousers ѝ
knickers ͯ\ѝ
knickerbockers \ѝ
plus fours ߠѝ,Lѝ
braces ѝӱ (:suspenders)
turnup ѝ߅,_
breeches Rѝ
belt ѝ
skirt ȹ
divided skirt, split skirt ȹѝ
underskirt (ni)
underwear, underclothes (ni)ѝ
underpants, pants (ni)ѝ (:shorts)
briefs ̃(ni)ѝ,ѝ
panties Ů̃(ni)ѝ
knickers Ů̃(ni)ѝ,ß\ѝ
brassiere, bra
corselet o
stays, corset ,
slip, petticoat rȹ
stockings Lm
suspenders m (:garters)
suspender belt m (:garter belt)
socks m
tights, leotard oѝ
bathing trunks Ӿѝ
bathing costume, swimsuit, bathing suit Ӿ
bikini ȻӾ
apron ȹ
pinafore (o)ȹ
shoe Ь
sole Ь
heel Ь
lace Ь
moccasin ¹ƤЬ
patent leather shoes ƤЬ
boot ѥ
slippers Ь
sandal Ь
canvas shoes, rope soled shoes Ь
clog ľЬ
galosh, overshoe Ь
tie I (:necktie)
bow tie I
cravat I
cap ñ
hat صñ
bowler hat AӲYñ
top hat 픽z|(zh)Yñ
Panama hat Rñ
beret ؐñ
peaked cap, cap with a visor ñ
broad-brimmed straw hat ߅ñ
headdress ^
turban ^
natural fabric ȻwS
silk z
wool ë
synthetic fabric wS
polyester s
cashmere ë
tartan plaid ӻ (:tartan)
dot Ac
stripe ly
flower pattern y
veil 漆
иԇ~R 3
ըuNoodles with bean paste;
ըFried peanuts;
ɻ Tofu with preserved Eggs;
rPotatoEggplant&Green Pepper;
ŶStir-fried Tofu in hot sauce;
ˮƬBoiled pork slice;
muKung Pao chicken;
uSpicy chicken cube
ǣgreen bean
msweet broad pea
ཷgreen pepper
ײˣChinese cabbage
ɏźlotus roots
ѿbean sprout
ϣwhite gourd
ϣbitter gourd
⽷chilli pepper
Sbamboo shoot
̦garlic sprout
иԇ~R 4
make n.
means n. ؔYa(chn)
measure n. K;
meet n. ِ
minute adj. СС
novel adj. µ·f;ģ
observe vi.Ҋuu (on; upon)
organ n. (õ)L;(̤)L;֓uL;C;CP;CP[s־];;
outstanding adj. δģδ;δQ;δɵ
partial adj. ֲ;ֲW
pen n. 1.(ȵ)ڣ2.һ[һȦ]
pile n. 1. ߴ;2. ̯ 3. ܛëqë;ë(q)ܛ
pitch n. r;Оr|(zh);֬֬
pool n. t(y)WѪ
pound n. F v. .(Bm(x))?lin)?y;y(ٵ)y()
preserve n. 1) C^(q);2)T
produce n. a(chn);a(chn)Ʒr(nng)a(chn)Ʒ;ƷƷ
project v. ʹͻʹ;
promise n. (ǰ;)ϣ;()ָ
pronounced adj. QȻ'ȻģӲ;@
provide v. Ҏ(gu)
Provided/providing conj. ֻҪڡl¡
иԇ~R 5
clothing ·Q
costume y(tng)b;
fabric(textile) ;Ʒ
wash-and-wear fabric C
suit һ(Ů)
tie I
jacket ѿ
cloak L;
T-shirt AI(\)
pants(trousers) ѝ;Lѝ
overalls bѝ
jeans ţѝ
uniform Ʒ
leisurewear ҳ
underwear (undergarment) (ni)
stockings Ly(tng)m
down jacket q
sweater ë
mitten oָ
sandals Ь
slippers Ь
boots Ƥѥ
sneakers = gym shoes \Ь
running shoes ܲЬ
jogging shoes Ь
tailor ÿp
clothing store b
иԇ~R 6
1,a change of pace (ji)׃Q
You cant do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace
2, a far cry from h
The published book is far cry from the early manuscript
3, and how Ĵ_
A: Shes a good dancer
B: and how
4, a matter of time rg}
It is only a matter of time
5, a phone call away һԒ֮hԸ^æ
If you need my help, do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away
6, a while back ǰ
7all along һֱ
I knew it all along
8, anything but ^
I was anything but happy about going
9, account for
How do you account for it?
10, after all
A: Ive just seen the X-rays and your teeth look just fine,
B: I see. Then there is nothing to worry about after all
11, allergic to |^
Oh man! Something in this room is making my eyes itch. I must be allergic to something
12, at sbs service Ըij˷
I am at your service at any time
13, around the clock 24Сrͣ
Martha studied around the clock for management exam
14, as far as I know ֪
15at home with Ϥ
She is at home with problems like this
16, back out
1) ˳
A: Wasnt Bert supposed to sing tonight?
B: Yes, but he backed out at last minute
She finally backed out of her promise
17, be cut out for m
Im not cut out to be a hero
18, be absorbed in
She has been absorbed in a horror fiction. I cant tear her away
19, be addicted to ϰa
She has been addicted to drugs for years
20be attached to и
A: Im amazed that you are still driving that old car of yours. I thought you would have gotten rid of it years ago
B: It runs well and Ive actually been quite attached to it
иԇ~R 7
̵ģҰU--ferocious bloodthirsty brutal cruel fierce vicious wild atrocious
акģġsinister, a sinister smile. diabolic corrupt forbidding
µ, yHpernicious virulent
[x; ޝy; صfurtive, furtive movements
͵͵, , ܵcovert
[ε.; _; ܵ: covered hidden hideaway shelter , sneak veiled s
M]ġprodigal(They are prodigal in their expenditures) extravagant lavish
spendthrift wasteful squander
BƤ--prankish naughty impish elfish devilish mischievous puckish
韩--cumbersome bulky burdensome clumsy troublesome unmanageable bothersome
gauche antic awkward ham-handed
đģçײ--audacious bold brave daring gallant heroic valiant prowess
ؚеë֮--barren sterile
ؚģؚ]X--indigent penurious penury impecunious improvished needy down-and
-out penniless wr etched destitute bankrupt
̓˥ϵ--feckless flaccid flagging languid effete
؟ëõ--carp cavil pick criticize quibble
--crass doltish oafish imbecilic moronic fatuous vacuous
Եŵ,ֲڵ--schematic cursory coarse crude rough vulgar churlish husky
иԇ~R 8
furniture Ҿ
couch ɳl(f)
chest ;;
dresser (bureau) y_
cabinet (ҕC)C;ع;й
cupboard (closet) 뙻
storage wall ڙ
rug С̺
carpet ̺
bathtub ԡ
fixture ()̶b
furnishings ҃(ni)O
1.account Ŀ;;
2.balance ~;~
of commerce ̕
5.credit ;;u;;su;(sh) ~;Y;dN
6.debt ;
7.deficit ;̝p~
8.depreciation r;Hֵ
9.devaluation Hֵ
10.endorse ٝͬ;֧;;(c,ԇr)
12.expense ;M
15.inflation rwq;ͨ؛Û
17.profit ;;I
18.revenue ;q;
19.stock ;Cȯ;Ʊ
ջ;ȡ;; (ע^(q)e withdrawal)
withdraw һyȡX (@)
withdrawal ǏĎX (@)
e.g. uҪIĎȡX withdrawal
IҪyȡXou withdraw
иԇ~R 9
school year W
term, trimester W
semester W
school day ̌W
school holiday
curriculum n
subject W
discipline W
timetable ṉ
class,lesson n
homework ͥI(y)
playtime, break ngϢ
to play truant, to play hooky ӌWn
late for class t
course (of study) WI(y)
written work I(y)
oral calculation
elucidation v
prepare lessons A
grant , scholarship,fellowship W
holder of a grant/scholar/ fellow W@
school uniform У
teaching staff (Q)
of school age Wgͯ
beginning of term _W
matriculation ע
to enroll ע
to take lessons (W)n
to teach (ώ)n
required course n
optional course xn
transcript ɿ
lecture v
credit W
to study W
to learn by heart ӛס
to revise , to go over
test ԇ
to test ԇ
to take anexamination ӿԇ
convocation notice ԇ֪ͨ
examiner ԇ
board of examiners ԇF
oral examination ԇ
written examination Pԇ
question }
question paper ԇ
to pass an examination (exam) ͨ^ԇx
prize giving 䪄Ʒ
to fail an examination δͨ^ԇ
to repeat a year
competitive examination qԇ
competitiveness R
driven оoȸе
assiduous learning ڊ^W
independent study W
learning efficiency WЧ
gain new knowledge by review old ع֪
skip school ӌW
burn the midnight oil_ҹ܇