Reading List:
Louisa May Alcott,Little Women
Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
Francis Bok, Escape from Slavery
Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit451
Charlotte Bront?, Jane Eyre
Anthony Burgess, A Clockwork Orange
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
James F. Cooper, The Last ofthe Mohicans
Daniel Defoe,Robinson Crusoe
Charles Dickens,A Tale ofTwo Cities
David Copperfield
Great Expectations
Hard Times
Oliver Twist
Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo
George Eliot, Silas Marner
William Golding, Lord of the Flies
Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha
Victor Hugo, Les Miserables
Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
Ken Kesey, One Flew Over the Cuckoo ’s Nest
Sue Monk Kidd, The Secret Life of Bees
ohn Knowles, A Separate Peace
William Goldman, The Princess Bride
John H. Griffen, BlackLike Me
John Hersey, Hiroshima
S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders
John Krakauer, Into the Wild
Into Thin Air
Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
Lois Lowry, The Giver
Yann Martell, The Life of Pi
Frank McCourt, Angela ’s Ashes
Arthur Miller, The Crucible
George Orwell, Animal Farm
Reginald Rose, Twelve AngryMen
Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac
J.D. Salinger, Catcher in the Rye
William Shakespeare,
Julius Caesar
The Merchant of Venice
Romeo and Juliet
The Taming of the Shrew
The TempestTwelfth Night
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
John Steinbeck, The Pearl
Bram Stoker, Dracula
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit
Mark Twain, The Prince andthe Pauper
Jules Verne, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
John Wyndham, The Chrysalids
Paul Zindel, The Pigman
GRADE 11/12
Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale
Mark Bowden, Blackhawk Down
Emily Bront?, WutheringHeights
Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
Dante, Inferno
Barbara Ehrenreich, Nickel and Dimed
William Faulkner, As ILay Dying
The Sound and the Fury
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
Thomas Hardy, Tess of the d’Urbervilles
Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises
Joseph Heller, Catch-22
Hendry James, The Portrait of a Lady
The Wings of the Dove
Sebastian Junger, A Perfect Storm
Sara Lawrence Lightfoot, Balm in Gilead
Ken Kesey, Sometimes a Great Nation
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince
Discourses on Livy
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Love in the Time of Cholera
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Herman Melville, Moby Dick
Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye
Alan Paton, Cry, the BelovedCountry
Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar
Ayn Rand, Anthem
The Fountainhead
Erich M. Ramarque, All Quiet on the Western Front
Eric Schlosser, Fast FoodNation
William Shakespeare, Hamlet
John Steinbeck, The Acts ofKingArthur andHis Noble Knights
The Grapes of Wrath
Of Mice and Men
Amy Tan, The Joy Luck Club
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
Alice Walker, The Color Purple
Edith Wharton, The Age ofInnocence
T.H. White, The Once and Future King
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
Evelyn Waugh, Brideshead Revisited
Richard Wright, Black Boy
Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway
To the Lighthouse
The New York Times Magazine
The New Yorker
GRADE 9/10
Keith Devlin, Life by the Numbers
Dian Fossey, Gorillas in the Mist
Stephen Jay Gould, Wonderful Life
The Mismeasure of Man
Joy Hakim, The Story of Science
Lawrence M. Krauss,A Universe from Nothing
Siddhartha Mukherjee, The Emperor of All Maladies
Nicholas Nicastro, Circumference: Eratosthenes and the Ancient Quest to Measure the Globe
Matt Ridley, Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters
Oliver Sacks, The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales
Carl Sagan, Cosmos
Rebecca Skloot, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Jearl Walker, The Flying Circus of Physics
GRADE 11/12
Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything
Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species
Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene
James Gleick, Chaos: The Making of New Science
Brian Greene, The Elegant Universe
Stephen Hawking, A Brief History ofTime
The Universe in a Nutshell
Michio Kaku, Hyperspace
James Lovelock, Gaia
John Allen Paulos, Innumeracy: MathematicalIlliteracy and its Consequences Neil
DeGrasse Tyson, Gravity in Reverse
Edward O. Wilson, The Diversity of Life
National Geographic
New Scientist
Scientific American
GRADE 9/10
Mark Abley, Spoken Here
Joan Dash, The Longitude Prize
Daniel L Everett, Don’t Sleep, There are Snakes: Life and Language in the Amazonian Jungle
E.H. Gombrich, The Story of Art
Daniel Kahneman, Thinking Fast and Slow
Charles C. Mann, 1491: New Revelations ofthe Americas Before Columbus
1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus Created
James Q. Wilson, Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do and Why They Do It
GRADE 11/12
Akhil Reed Amar, America ’s Constitution: A Biography
Julian Bell, Mirror of the World: A New History of Art
Jared Diamond, Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies
Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point
George Lakoff,Metaphors We Live By
David McCullough, 1776
James M. McPherson, What They Fought For, 1861-1865
Steven Pinker, The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence has Declined
The Blank State: The Modern Denial ofHuman Nature
Robert B. Putman, Bowling Alone
Nate Silver, The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail – But So
me Don ’t Timothy
D. Wilson, Strangers to Ourselves, Discovering the Adaptive Unconscious
Howard Zinn, A People ’s History of the UnitedStates
The Atlantic
The Economist
National Geographic
Time Magazine
GRADE 9/10
The Bill of Rights
The Constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy
Constitution for the UnitedStates
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
United States Declaration of Independence
GRADE 11/12
Anti-Federalist Papers
Jonathan Elliot, The Debates in the Several Conventions on the Adoption ofthe F
ederal Constitution
James Madison, Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton & John Jay, The Federalis tPapers
GRADE 9/10
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Society and Solitude
Mohandas Gandhi, HindSwaraj or Indian Home Rule
James Harrington, Oceana
Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address
Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from Birmingham Jail
Martin Luther King Jr. & Jesse Jackson, Why We Can ’t Wait
Suzanne McIntire (editor), American Heritage Book ofGreatAmerican Speechesfor Young People
John Stuart Mill, On Liberty
Considerations on Representative Government
Henry David Thoreau, Walden
Alex de Tocqueville, Democracy in America
Anna Quindlen, A Quilt of a Country
GRADE 11/12
Isaiah Berlin, Four Essays on Liberty
Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan
John Locke, Second Treatise of Civil Government
Montesquieu, The Spirit ofthe Laws
Thomas Paine, The Rights of Man
Common Sense
Quercus (editor), The Greatest American Speeches
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men
The Social Contract
Willian Safire (editor), Lend Me Your Ears: Great Speeches in History
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, The Woman ’s Bible
Gregory Suriano (editor), Great American Speeches
Woodrow Wilson, Congressional Government
Max Weber,Politics as a Vocation
Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication ofthe Rights of Women
Malcolm X, By Any Means Necessary
The New York Times
The Wall Street Journal